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Student Development in College : Theory, Research, and Practice book DOC, FB2


THE ESSENTIAL STUDENT DEVELOPMENT REFERENCE, UPDATED WITH CUTTING-EDGE THEORY AND PRACTICE "Student Development in College" is the go-to resource for student affairs, and is considered a key reference for those most committed to conscious and intentional student affairs practice. This third edition includes new chapters on social class, disability, and emerging identity theories, with expanded coverage of faith and gender identity. A new framework provides guidance for facilitating dialogues about theory, teaching theory, and the importance of educators as consumers of theory. Discussion questions conclude each chapter and vignettes are woven throughout to provide practical context for theory. Learning activities in the appendix promote comprehension and application of theory. Get updated on the latest in student development theory and application Consider both the psychosocial and cognitive aspects of identity Learn strategies for difficult dialogues, and the importance of reflection Adopt an integrated, holistic approach to complex student development issues "Student Development in College" is the ideal resource for today's multifaceted student affairs role. "With five new or expanded chapters and critical updates throughout the text, this third edition expertly presents the complex, multifaceted, and continually evolving nature of the theories that inform scholars and professionals in their research and practice with college students. These authors, consummately aware of the needs of emerging and continuing student affairs professionals, have crafted a text that will be both eminently practical and intellectually engaging for graduate students, professionals, and faculty alike." --Dafina-Lazarus Stewart, associate professor, higher education and student affairs, Bowling Green State University "This third edition of "Student Development in College" beautifully presents the theoretical terrain of student development by honoring the foundational theories upon which the field was developed and foregrounding newer theories with brand new content and fresh perspectives. The result is a text that is comprehensive, sophisticated, and accessible--and one that is attuned to the contemporary realities of the complexities of student development." --Susan R. Jones, professor, higher education and student affairs, The Ohio State University, The third edition of "Student Development in College" presents practitioners, scholars, and graduate students with the most recent information pertaining to student development theory, research, and its application to practice. Considered the key resource for those most committed to conscious and intentional student affairs practice, this updated third edition offers several new features: A condensed version of student development history, which now draws connections between student learning and student development and expands on theoretical worldviews and paradigms that have been used to guide the development and construction of theory. It also introduces an integrative framework to help readers view theory and student development in a more holistic, integrated, and complex way. Social identities take a central focus and include the addition of three new chapters focusing on social class; disability; and emerging theoretical perspectives that highlight generational and age identity, national identity, and digital identity. The chapter focusing on faith and spirituality includes information on religious, atheist, and agnostic identities. The chapter on gender is also updated with the latest research on men and masculinities. Part Three offers a combined emphasis on psychosocial and cognitive-structural theories, with some information being condensed and revised to allow self-authorship to be used as an anchoring theory to present a more integrated approach to viewing identity as a meaning-making process that involves both psychosocial and cognitive processes. Part Four introduces new strategies for student affairs practitioners to engage in difficult dialogues about theories, teaching theory, and the importance of being reflective educators and consumers of theory. New vignettes of key characters' storylines are woven throughout the chapters, allowing readers to witness the developmental trajectories of the characters as they move from chapter to chapter. Each chapter concludes with a set of discussion and reflection questions for readers to consider. A supplemental downloadable instruction guide connects information from the book with sound teaching strategies and ideas that can be implemented to enhance learning environments.

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