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Read online book Michael C. Smith - Wiley Series in Systems Engineering and Management: How to Do Systems Analysis : Primer and Casebook in DJV, DOC, TXT


Presents the foundational systemic thinking needed to conceive systems that address complex socio-technical problems This book emphasizes the underlying systems analysis components and associated thought processes. The authors describe an approach that is appropriate for complex systems in diverse disciplines complemented by a case-based pedagogy for teaching systems analysis that includes numerous cases that can be used to teach both the art and methods of systems analysis. Covers the six major phases of systems analysis, as well as goal development, the index of performance, evaluating candidate solutions, managing systems teams, project management, and more Presents the core concepts of a general systems analysis methodology Introduces, motivates, and illustrates the case pedagogy as a means of teaching and practicing systems analysis concepts Provides numerous cases that challenge readers to practice systems thinking and the systems methodology "How to Do Systems Analysis: Primer and Casebook" is a reference for professionals in all fields that need systems analysis, such as telecommunications, transportation, business consulting, financial services, and healthcare. This book also serves as a textbook for undergraduate and graduate students in systems analysis courses in business schools, engineering schools, policy programs, and any course that promotes systems thinking. John E. Gibson, PhD, was the Commonwealth Distinguished Professor of Systems Management at the School of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Virginia, Charlottesville. He served as Dean of Engineering at the University of Virginia and at Oakland University. Dr. Gibson was working on this book at the time of his death. William T. Scherer, PhD, is a Professor in the Department of Systems and Information Engineering at the University of Virginia, where he teaches courses on systems engineering. Dr. Scherer was a student in Dr. Gibson's classes and later became a colleague. Dr. Scherer has authored and co-authored numerous publications on intelligent decision support systems, stochastic control, systems engineering education, and financial engineering. He is a former President of IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Society and has won numerous teaching awards while at the University of Virginia. William F. Gibson, MBA, MPA, is the Senior Managing Director and President of IVY Creek Associates, an international consulting firm for global asset managers, brokerage firms, and banks. He was Global Chief Operating Officer at ING Investment Management, and the Head of Securities and Fund Services Operations - EMEA at Citigroup. Mr. Gibson has led the infrastructure groups of global financial services firms, and is actively engaged in developing and applying new technologies in those domains. He has also been an executive lecturer at the S.C. Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University. Michael C. Smith, PhD, is the Executive Director of the Accelerated Masters Program in Systems Engineering at the University of Virginia. Prior to joining the University of Virginia, Dr. Smith was a Senior Scientist at Science Applications International Corporation (now Leidos) and also served on the Industrial Engineering faculties at Oregon State University and the University of Missouri. In addition to directing the University of Virginia's Accelerated Master's Program, Dr. Smith teaches an introductory course in systems thinking and the systems approach, drawing on many of the case studies in this book., Presents the fundamental systemic thinkingneeded to conceive complex systems and solve complex socio-technical problems This book emphasizes the underlying systems analysis component and associated thought processes. The authorsdescribe an approach that is appropriate for large-scale, complex systems in diverse disciplines and presents a case-based pedagogy for teaching system analysis along with numerous cases that can be used to teach the artof systems analysis. Covers the six major phases of systems analysis, as well as goal development, the index of performance, alternative candidate solutions, management of the systems team, project management, and more Presents the core concepts of a general systems analysis methodology Includes examples that illustrate systems analysis concepts, along with case studies of systems analysis and systems engineering in the real word Features exercises at the end of many chapters to challenge readers to practice systems analysis thinking and skills How to Do Systems Analysis: Primer and Casebook, Second Edition, is a reference for professionals in all fields that need systems analysis, such as telecommunications, transportation, business consulting, financial services, and healthcare. This book also serves as a textbook for senior undergraduate and graduate students in systems engineering and systems analysis courses. John E. Gibson, PhD, was the Commonwealth Distinguished Professor of Systems Management at the School of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Virginia, Charlottesville. He served as dean of engineering at the University of Virginia and at Oakland University. Dr. Gibson was working on this book at the time of his death. William T. Scherer, PhD, is a Professor in the Department of Systems and Information Engineering at the University of Virginia, where he teaches courses on systems engineering. Dr. Scherer was a student in Dr. Gibson's classes and later became a colleague. Dr. Scherer has authored and co-authored numerous publications on intelligent decision support systems, stochastic control, systems engineering education, and financial engineering. He is a former President of IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Society and has won numerous teaching awards while at the University of Virginia . William F. Gibson, MBA, MPA, is the Senior Managing Director and President of IVY Creek Associates, an international consulting firm for global asset managers, brokerage firms, and banks. He was global chief operating officer at ING Investment Management, and the Head of Securities and Fund Services Operations - EMEA at Citigroup. Mr. Gibson has led the infrastructure groups of global financial services firms, and is actively engaged in developing and applying new technologies in those domains. He has also been an executive lecturer at the S.C. Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University. Michael C. Smith, PhD, is the Executive Director of the Accelerated Masters Program in Systems Engineering at the University of Virginia. Prior to joining UVa, Dr. Smith was a Senior Scientist at Science Applications International Corporation (now Leidos) and also served on the Industrial Engineering faculties at Oregon State University and the University of Missouri. In addition to directing the UVa's Accelerated Master's Program, Dr. Smith teaches an introductory course in systems thinking and the systems approach, drawing on many of the case studies in this book., This book provides an introduction to systems engineering, mainly at the conceptual or "systems thinking" level. Using a principle based approach, the authors concentrate on the "art" of systems engineering, rather than the modeling "methods" or the formal "processes." This book enhances the original material discussed in "How to Do Systems Analysis" (Wiley, 2007), fundamentally, problem solving for large-scale complex systems. Half of this book sets forth the material and half of it contains case studies illustrating the material. In the first half of the book, the authors provide an introduction to the concepts of systems analysis. They present six major phases of systems analysis, providing a method for problem solving across diverse disciplines. The authors also detail a seven-step process for creating a meaningful problem statement. Properties of Index of Performance (IP) and relevant issues are discussed, and the critical process of generating candidate solutions is covered. Additionally, the authors examine the issues involved in managing the systems analysis process and outline the 10 "Golden Rules" of systems analysis. The second half of the book contains practical examples of consulting engagements and case studies in which these principles are applied.

Read online book Michael C. Smith - Wiley Series in Systems Engineering and Management: How to Do Systems Analysis : Primer and Casebook in DJV

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